Tiago Ventura
Work in Progress
Tiago Ventura
Framing fact-checks as a “confirmation” increases engagement with corrections of misinformation: a four-country study
Voting for Law and Order: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Mexico
Training Computational Social Science PhD Students for Academic and Non-Academic Careers
Truth be told: Cognitive moderators of selective sharing of fact-checks on social media
Winning! Election Returns and Engagement in Social Media
Network Activated Frames: Content Sharing and Perceived Polarization in Social Media
Path Weighted Regression: A Statistical Model to Describe Dependency in Large Networks
The Effect of Streaming Chat on Perceptions of Debates
News by popular demand: Ideology, Reputation, and Issue Attention in Social Media News Sharing
Voting for Violence: Crime and the Election of Law-and-order Politicians in Brazil.
Partisan Cues and Perceived Risks: The effect of partisan social media frames during the Covid-19 crisis in Mexico
Connective Effervescence and Streaming Chat During Political Debates
Trustful Voters, Trustworthy Politicians: A Survey Experiment on the Influence of Social Mediain Politics
Do Mayors Matter? Reverse Coattails on Congresional Elections in Brazil
Will I Get Covid? Partisanship, Social Media Frames, and Perceptions of Health Risk in Brazil
Polarization, News Sharing, and Gatekeeping: A study of the Bolsonaro Election
The Workers’ Party and Participatory Institutions: The Influence of Intra-party Dynamics in the Adoption of Participatory Budgeting
More Participation, Greater Responsiveness? National Public Policy Conferences and the Quality of Democracy in Brazil
The Workers' Party in the Chamber of Deputies: the evolution of the socioeconomic and territorial bases (1994–2014)
Democracy and participation. Democratic innovations and participatory routee in Brazil